Homework 2

Publicado por The best team #4 , miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010 17:39

Go to the link and check the next videos:
Now do the next tasks:
1. Make a chart with the most important informartion in each video. (two charts)
2. Look for two activities in internet that practice the grammar shown in videos.
3. Each team has to bring class these activities in order to share them with others teams in class.
Thanks and bye

Aquí les dejamos el link donde podrán encontrar actividades sobre los videos y las respuestas y actividades de los anteriores. http://galeon.com/englishteam4/homework2.html

Videos of compartive and superlative

Homework 1

Publicado por The best team #4 , miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010 15:42

Reading exercise.
Go to the next link, read the text about United Kingdom, next open the questionary, click on "show all questions" in order to answer the exercise, finally print your questionary with your answers and grade.

Bueno prof. aquí le dejamos un link donde podrá encontrar nuestras respuestas y verificar que realizamos el trabajo, además se llevará lo solicitado a y para la clase.